Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Addiction Associated with Depression

Today I find myself sickened with a severe case of the sad stuff, depression. I have had a very rough past month with unexpected medical bills that were NOT supposed to be there. Unfortunately, my doctors office did not keep up with my insurance and I got hit hard with a big bill I cannot afford. Next I am in the market for a new car and I get a way lower loan than I got the last time, making it practically unreachable to get the car I wanted, then I get slapped in the face with a wage garnishment notification for something I still have no idea what for. All I know is I never ever got a bill for the amount ever, no phone call, no bill, now my wages being garnished? ? Wow! Then, as you know I have written a book that I am trying to get picked up by an agent. I have already received nearly 10 rejections :, (. Then this morning my ex texts me at 4am asking if i can send him MORE money, in addition to the 300$ I will send him this week for child support, saying the kids need clothes. I am sending 300$ buy clothes with that! He continues with excuses on where that money goes. I offer to buy clothes and mail them, I get no response for acceptance of that. Frustrating!
I know these are first world problems on a scale of things that are way more stressful and difficult than my problems, but for me, these are extreme.
Up until only a few years ago, I would have drowned my sorrow and ignored my problems and gave up on my book, bought the cheap car I didn't like, quit my job and avoided the garnishment. ..all because I was fueling my body with drugs. I would just take this as an excuse to go get high, to forget and feel better. I would use drugs as an excuse to ignore my problems, letting them bite me on the ass later.
So many people take up drugs use or alcohol when times become more stressful like mine is now. They find is as an outlet and basically give up on being human not understanding bad things happen every now and then, and as long as we try, we will get through. It is harder and more difficult as my road ahead requires more effort from me, working hard for less pay for the next few months, going through my book over and over and resubmitting over and over. Looking and waiting til I find that ideal car. But I won't turn to drugs for my outlet. I have no interest in that path anymore, Thankfully or my problems with only get worse.
I know times are tough and stress and anxiety make people do bad things in order to escape or cover up their problems.  But the faster you accept them and work through them, the better things will get down the road. On drugs, there is no end, your buried problems will only resurface and it will be ten times worse when they do. Remember,  there is always help for those who need it.

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